Zwave Cloner

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  • Create Date February 16, 2020
  • Last Updated April 11, 2020
Zwave Cloner

13 thoughts on “Zwave Cloner


    I have a HUGE Z-Wave network and was looking for this so much.
    I didn’t backup it up yet but will do this week-end when I will have time for a walk as you suggest :-).

    Question, I know it goes slightly again your graphical work, but most of us are using Domoticz (with a raspberry) with Z-Wave controller. Therefore, would it be not interesting to integrate your tool in the OpenZwave USB Controller functions ? That would be just amazing to do this from Domoticz directly.

    I let you think about it but still a HUGE thank you for your work !

    1. Thanks for your feedback Samuel.
      About Domotics, their team could adapt this in the environment as you suggest it.
      The ZMEProgrammer tool from ZWAVE.ME exists in Linux version so I suppose this would be easy to embed into Domotics.
      The issue I see is more about how to disable the Zwave Stick while doing the backup … that’s why you are going to have a walk right 🙂

  2. Oh sorry, last practical question.

    Let’s imagine I do a backup. Then my UZB key brakes for whatever reason. Is it possible to restore the backup on a new UZB Key and all will be back as before ??? I recall a story about Z-Wave unique ID that can be copied via Z-Way software (there is also a backup function), but does your tool also get the Z-Wave unique ID back on the new UZB controller ?
    Thanks a million for your answer

    1. Yes you can do that but don’t restore on your original Zwave stick…
      I would suggest you buy another Zwave stick and restore it using the backup made from your original Zwave stick.
      Even do it immediately to prove your backup is good.
      This because the day that you will need it you will be happy to have a working backup!
      Your restored Zwave stick will be identical to the original one, ID & network topology.

  3. Bonjour,
    Enorme avancée pour le z-wave que cet utilitaire.
    Avez vous validĂ© le transfert du rĂ©seau sur 2 clĂ©s de Fabricants diffĂ©rents? (Par exemple sauvegarde d’une clĂ© ZMEEUZB1 et restauration du rĂ©seau sur une clĂ© Aeotec Z-stick Gen 5 ? )
    Merci pour votre retour et mile fois merci pour cet utilitaire.

    1. Bonjour Bertrand,
      Merci pour votre commentaire qui me fait tres plaisir.
      OUI : le backup d’une clef d’un fabricant peut etre restaure sur une clef d’un autre fabricant.
      Ceci a ete teste par beaucoup d’utilisateurs…
      Je suis sur le forum/community de Jeedom France et mon pseudo est aussi Sattaz.
      Lien du sujet sur Jeedom Community:
      Zwave Cloner
      Au plaisir!

  4. Thanks Sebastien for creating this programme. As well as back up and restore, will it do firmware upgrades as well please? I have a ZMEEUZB1 from 2017 which has stopped including nodes so I would like to try to start from ground zero with replacing the firmware.

    1. Hi Paul,
      I’ve not planned to add firmware update from my tool …
      Even if the ZMEProgrammer software that I use in my tool (from allows this function.
      The reason is because there is a lot of possible firrmware you could potentially flash into your controller that would just brick it… the database with compatibility is large and brought confusion to me.
      I also read some weird comments from users having bad experience with upgrading their controllers using recommended firmware.
      So I prefer not to implement this, just to be sure not to damage any controllers and so make people unhappy.

  5. THANK YOU! I wanted a backup for my UZB1 and I bought a Z-Stick Gen5+ hoping I could just switch between the two in case of failure. Well, your tool, while it’s probably not supported in this way allowed me to switch to the Z-Stick without issue!

    1. Hi,
      It is supported in this way simply because the Z-WAVE chip in these devices are the same!
      Several brands use the same chips… this is why you can do a backup from a brand and restore on a controller from another brand 🙂

  6. Dear Sattaz,
    Will I be able with your tool to move from Vera controller to Samsung “smartthings” zwave hub?


    1. Hello Steve,
      This has never been tested or even been discussed so far.
      From what I can see on the web, these controllers are embedded into specific circuit & housing and I doubt if there is a way to directly connect to the Zwave controller itself.
      My little tool is designed to get a USB Zwave dongle connected to a computer to backup & restore settings but not more.
      I’m sorry but I won’t be able to provide more support on your request.

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